The Mission of Apolo Kivebulaya


RELIGIOUS ENCOUNTER & SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE GREAT LAKES c.1865-1935 Apolo Kivebulaya was a practitioner of indigenous religion and a Muslim before he became a Christian missionary from Buganda to Toro and Ituri in 1895. He is still admired as a clergyman and civic figure in Eastern Africa



Apolo Kivebulaya was a practitioner of indigenous religion and a Muslim before he became a Christian missionary from Buganda to Toro and Ituri in 1895. He is still admired as a clergyman and civic figure in Eastern Africa. This book provides an intimate history of religious encounter and situates the dynamics of Kivebulaya’s life within social change in colonial Africa. Using biography to re-examine the role of an African agent as harbinger of change, it explores the processes of religious adherence, by which Kivebulaya and his associates remade themselves through conversion to Christianity and re-ordered social relations through preaching a transnational religion.