Title: MANENO YA MOTO KUTOKA CHINA – Mashairi ya Jidi Majia
Translator: Philo Ikonya
Publisher: Twaweza Communications Ltd
Date: 22nd July 2016
Time: 2:30 – 5:00 pm
Venue: University of Nairobi, Education Building, Room 213
Entrance: Free
Twaweza communications and Confucius Institute, University of Nairobi, are happy to invite you to the launch of a collection of poetry Maneno ya Moto Kutoka China, written by Jidi Majia and translated into Kiswahili by Philo Ikonya.
The launch will involve remarks from the translator and a panel discussion on translation and intercultural understanding.
About the Poet
Jidi Majia is an eminent poet and writer of the Yi nationality. Born in 1961 in Daliangshan, Sichuan, he graduated in 1982 from Chinese Department, Southwest University for Nationalities. He is a member of the secretariat of Chinese Writers Association and serves as president of China Minority Literary Association and permanent vice-president of China Poetry Association. Jidi Majia has published over 20 collections of poetry in many languages and won many important literary prizes, both in China and abroad. His collection Song of First Love won the 3rd China National Poetry Prize. In 1994 he won the Zhuangzhong Literary Prize in poetry; in 2006 he received the Sholokhov Memorial Medal for Literature from the Russian Writers Association in recognition of his outstanding achievements; and that same year he received a Certificate for Outstanding Contributions in Poetry from the Bulgarian Writers Association. In 2012 he won the 20th Rougang Poetry Achievement Award. Since 2007 Jidi Majia has sponsored the biennial First Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival and chaired the Festival’s organizing committee.
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